Hello, and welcome to A Happy Couple Blog! We are Rozy and Akshay, a couple for 14 years and married for 4 months now! Like any couple, we had our fair share of ups and downs. But at the end of the day, one thing that is for sure is, we are happy as hell!
When we first met in 2006, Rozy was pursuing her Bachelor of Sciences and Akshay was struggling with his senior secondary?!
At the time of writing this post, Rozy (M.Sc. Mathematics) is a Lecturer of Mathematics ??, and Akshay (M. Tech. Computer Sciences) heads the India Operations for a multinational company ??.
Our Journey: A Textual Timelapse
Let me take you through the roller coaster ride of what we now call is our life journey!
That’s it for today folks! I hope you loved this walk through memory lane with us! If you did, make sure you spread the word by sharing this with someone you think would enjoy this too!
Also, if it interests you, click here to check out the 5 reasons why “A Happy Couple” exists.
Thank you. Untill next time, ciao!